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Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering杂志

Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering杂志SCI期刊CSCD期刊

主管单位:中国科学技术协会  主办单位:中国系统工程学会

人气 6614

Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering杂志简介

《Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering》is an international journal published quarterly. 

《Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering》aims to foster new thinking and research, to help the decision makers understand the mechanism and complexity of economic, engineering, management, social and technological systems, learn the new developments in the theory and practice to improve the performance of systems. The Journal publishes papers that are addressed to the theory, methodology and applications relating to systems science and systems engineering. 

Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering栏目设置



1.The manuscript should be double-blind, which means (a) all authors’ names and institutions must be removed, (b) all acknowledgments in the text must be removed.

2.A separate signed letter providing the contact author’s full address, telephone number and all authors’ e-mail address should be included in your submission.

3.The author will be expected to confirm that the submitted manuscript contains original unpublished work and has not been submitted for publication elsewhere at the same time.

4.The manuscript be typed on one single side of A4 or 8 x 11 inch white good quality paper, single-spaced, 10-point font, and one-inch margins on all four sides throughout, including the reference section.

5.Originals of figures, charts, diagrams, tables and illustrations should be in good quality, sharp, noise-free, and easy-to-read.Figures, charts, diagrams, tables and illustrations should be numbered consecutively using Roman numerals with a brief title and labeled axes.

Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering历史收录信息

中国科学引文数据库 2013-2014 2015-2016 2017-2018 2019-2020 2021-2022


Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering杂志发文领域分析

一级发文领域名称 发文量 被引量
自然科学总论 501 391
经济管理 65 599
自动化与计算机技术 53 83
理学 53 107
一般工业技术 6 15
文化科学 5 8
电子电信 4 6
社会学 4 350
交通运输工程 3 2
机械工程 2 3
二级发文领域名称 发文量 被引量
自然科学总论 / 系统科学 492 391
理学 / 数学 52 107
经济管理 / 国民经济 41 226
自动化与计算机技术 / 控制科... 28 49
自动化与计算机技术 / 控制理... 25 44
自动化与计算机技术 / 计算机... 25 34
理学 / 运筹学与控制论 25 46
经济管理 / 企业管理 17 42
经济管理 / 产业经济 13 17
理学 / 基础数学 12 12


zhawei** 的评论:


2017-06-10 19:19:44

Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering评论


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